Interesting facts and figures

County Profile
Population 28,890
Illiteracy  16.5%
Unemployment 6%
Poverty Rates 17%
Active Volunteers  5,000

Who volunteers?
Women volunteer more than men (62% Vs 49%), however men who volunteered gave more time than women (3.6 hours Vs 3.4 hours). Seniors are volunteering in greater numbers, as are members of minority groups. Forty-three percent of seniors aged 75 and over said they volunteered, an eight percent increase since 1995. Forty-six percent of Hispanics volunteered in 1998, a six percent increase since 1995. Forty-seven percent of African-Americans volunteered in 1998, 12 percent more than 1995. 
Source:(Giving and Volunteering in the United States, 1999.)

Why do people volunteer?
More than eight out of 10 people (86%) said they volunteered because they felt compassion for those in need. Nearly three-fourths of the respondents (72%) volunteered because they had an interest in the activity or work, and 70 percent volunteered to gain new perspectives on things. 
Source:(Giving and Volunteering in the United States, 1999.)
