Project FIRE (Fuel Intervention for Rural Elderly) 
Jackson County Department on Aging 

Contact: Helen Bryson


Mailing Address: PO Box 596
Sylva, NC 28779

Phone: 828-586-8562


Location: Project Fire is at One North Central Avenue in Sylva. After turning right off Grindstaff Cove Rd. onto East Central Drive- across from Jackson County Chamber of Commerce - look for the Golden Age Senior Center in a big brown Building. Go to the annex. 

Agency description: Project FIRE starts in the fall and ends in early spring. When lumber companies and others donate wood, volunteers cut logs with chain saws and splitters to make firewood. It is then delivered to low income, elderly people for heating or cooking purposes. During the FIRE season, there are usually two or three wood cutting days, often starting on a Saturday morning and lasting through the afternoon. Volunteers provide their own chain saws and splitters; some offer their trucks for immediate delivery. Assistance is also needed with cleaning up the grounds after the project ends. 

Time commitment: Between October and March, volunteers usually work five to seven hours on a Saturday once a month (at most). 

Skills, experiences, and special requirements: Volunteers who have and can safely use a chain saw or wood splitter and who can drive a pick-up truck are needed. They should be able to split logs with wedges, move pre-cut logs to mechanical wood splitters, and stack and load firewood. 

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