Elizabeth Bryson
Address: |
PO Box 1908
Sylva, NC 28779
Phone: |
828-631-4488 (REACH office)
828-586-6782 (Community Table) |
Agency description:
In Jackson County 12-15% of our population are ‘food insecure’ people.
Community Table is not a soup kitchen. It is a restaurant provided
by grants through REACH and various churches in the local area. Meals are
provided to those who need them, no questions asked. Cooks will work 1
to 5 preparing, serving and cleaning up after meals. Servers will work
4 to 8 serving meals and cleaning up afterwards. Community Table is presently
open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Food and financial donations
are gratefully accepted as well. Many groups and individuals volunteer
from time to time. What is also needed, however, are long-term volunteers
who commit to a schedule, whether once a week or once a month. The
Good Samaritan Law in NC exempts organizations that donate food from any
liability. Please encourage restaurants, groups, and businesses to
donate surplus. Do you have your own garden? You can Plant
A Row for the Table at home and donate the produce, contact Mary Lou Surgis
at 596-2411 for more information about this project.
On Asheville Highway next to Majik Gas station, directly across from the
shopping center with the Quin Movie Theater.
Time commitment:
Indefinite length.
Skills, experiences,
and special requirements: None required; will teach.
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