Hills Mature Life Campus Project
Al Bouchard (828-586-8562)
Phone: 828-631-0433 Website: http://www.main.nc.us/jackson/hhdir.htm Location: Heritage Hills Mature Life Campus Project is located at 38 East Sylva Shopping Center. This is in the shopping center where the Quinn Theater is located. The offices are near Papa's Pizzas. The East Sylva Shopping Center is located between Harris Regional Hospital and (nearer to) McDonalds. Agency description: Heritage Hills Mature Life, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving Jackson County people 50+ years old. Its purpose is to bring together on one property the existing services and activities for folks 50+ years old in Jackson County and add other life enriching features like swimming pool, bowling, auditorium, gardens, fitness center, learning center, and independent living housing for frail elderly. Volunteers will 1. Assist with writing, publishing and mailing a newsletter. 2. Public relations, take pictures, and deliver media releases. 3. Grant prospect searches and some grant writing. 4. Assist with annual pledge campaign. 5. Assist with capital pledge campaign. 6. Make telephone calls. 7. Write thank you letters. Training required: Volunteers must have good people skills and relate easily with older 50+ population. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities. Training is available for the volunteer activity chosen. Time commitment: Time commitment is between 2-4 hours a week, generally flexible hours worked out with volunteers around their schedules Skills, Experience, and Special Requirements: Good people skills, good telephone skills, and a strong interest to help to develop a Mature Life Campus in Jackson County. |